digital ecosystem

The apps, systems, and software we work with on a regular basis make up our digital ecosystem.

Whatever tools we choose become part of our digital toolkit. A knowledge worker’s toolkit needs to be well-rounded, so these kits add up pretty quickly.

Examples of digital tools include apps for project management, communications, data visualization, design, collaboration, writing, coding, task management and so much more. Notion, Trello, Figma, Things, Obsidian, Atom, Whimsical, Drafts, Bear, Spotify, Miro, Roam Research, Day One, Lightroom, Slack, Google Workplace, Readwise, Mailbrew, and so many others. Here’s a list of my most utilitarian apps.

Ideally, one’s personal digital ecosystem is designed with intention. In a digital world, it’s easy to fall into clutter and disarray, so it’s important to regularly check in with your system to make sure things are working as desired. Using digital tools intentionally can help improve the volume and quality of creative output.

Here’s my ever-improving attempt at documenting my digital ecosystem.

When considering the extent of a digital ecosystem it’s worth making note of all the web apps we use on a regular basis—Facebook, Twitter, DuckDuckGo, Amazon, Google, NYTimes, .and so on—along with all the digital exhaust created via our browsing behaviors. (This makes me wonder how much impact all these tracking services have on energy usage and environmental destruction)

The maps of our personal digital ecosystems are vast—unimaginable to their full potential, really. We touch so many websites and services tracking our behaviors and most people know nothing about their existence. And many of the ones who do don’t seem to care.

All this is connected via one single entity: you.

That, my friend, is your digital ecosystem. Unimaginably vast, ever-expanding, and attuned entirely to you.

🚧 ⚠️ Rough Terrain Ahead ⚠️ 🚧

🛑 What’s this? ✍️ This whole note is a work in progress, but the below part is really rough. So why’s it here? Share ideas before they’re ready.

  • I have so much digital infrastructure for my life it’s absurd
    • domain names
    • Streaming media
    • Journalist publications
    • Business tools
    • Communications channels
    • Mobile phone ecosystem
    • Home automations
    • Journals
    • Notebooks
    • Recipes
    • Highlighted passages
    • Crypto assets
    • household banking
    • Home utilities
    • Investment accounts
    • photographs
    • Memories
    • Documents
    • navigation
    • Social accounts
    • Home server
    • Business operations
    • keep going

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